French Guyana


French Guyana

The largest overseas territory of the European Union; French Guyana. A French department located in South America, and bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil and Suriname. The country is known for a past plantation colony of France. The capital is Cayenne, but perhaps even more special; in Kouro is the launch base Center Spatial Guyanais of the ESA, the European space project. A rocket launch has recently taken place here. French Guyana is the only country in South America where people pay with the euro and French is spoken here. Years before colonial history, French Guiana was inhabited by Indigenous peoples. After the arrival of the French and Dutch, among others, the country eventually became a French department. Due to the turbulent history of slavery and colonization, the country now has a mixed population. The largest ethnic group are the Creoles (mixed Africans and French), and there are also many Europeans (mainly French) and a small group of Amerindians. There are also Chinese, Southeast Asians and Maroons (descendants of escaped African slaves.



Throughout French Guiana you will find several tourist attractions that you would not expect when you think of South America. Due to its colonial history an interesting mix of cultures, mixed with a strong economic importance to this day. The interesting mix of the traditional with the modern makes it a very diverse holiday destination.

Guiana Space Center

Close to the equator and far from tropical storm tracks and earthquakes, in combination with a low population density. The perfect ingredients for a space center. Since 1980, two-thirds of all commercial satellites have been launched from French Guiana. Note: book in advance!


French Guiana was a popular destination to deport criminals. The result is a large number of old prisons in a country where so few people live. Prisons that are even located on mysterious islands such as île Royale.

Central Market

A cultural mix of Native American basketry, paintings and African carvings can be found at the Central Market in Cayenne. In addition, the many spices and soup stalls where Vietnamese Pho is served. You are, as it were, in Southeast Asia.

Musée des Cultures Guyanaises

In Cayenne you will find this small museum, where you can learn a lot about the early history of French Guiana. From the Indian precolonial time to the geological formation of the country, there is a lot to see.


A small village south of Cayenne. The Hmong, refugees from Laos who were relocated to French Guiana in 1977, live here. You can buy Hmong weaving, embroidery and food at the Sunday market.

Nature & Culture

Nature & Culture

In addition to beautiful nature with the entire rainforest that can be found in French Guyana, it also has a lot to offer in terms of culture. It is an interesting mix of South American, Caribbean, African and Western influences.

Sea Turtles

Every year from April to July, the giant leatherback turtles come ashore on the coasts of French Guina. Here they come to lay their eggs, for which they have often traveled (ten) thousands of kilometers. Between July and September the young hatch and leave for the sea.

Trésor nature reserve

To spot many wild animals, such as caimans and spectacular waterfowl. The Scarlet Ibis is one of the most popular inhabitants of this beautiful rainforest.

Grand Matoury Nature reserve

A hill of no less than 234 meters high that rises steeply behind Matoury and is covered with dense primary forest. Walking to the top you get to know many birds and other animal species, to finally enjoy an overwhelming view.

Native and Maroon cultures

Native and Maroon cultures can often be visited along the banks of the rivers. Often during such a tour, a leper colony is also visited and a jungle walk is taken. Sleep in traditional Indian huts and get to know the delicious local cuisine.